Haberdashers’ Hall shortlisted for Wedding Industry Award

Today we have some wonderful news! Our beautiful livery hall venue, Haberdashers’ Hall has been shortlisted for the Venue of the Year award in the Wedding Industry Awards. The venue now has a chance of winning a regional, or even national, award!
Thank you so much to our brides and grooms who voted for the hall. We’ve done our bit; now it’s all down to the judging panel, who will surely fall in love with Haberdashers’ Hall’s buy valium safely online charming courtyard, grand Livery Hall with its magnificent vaulted ceiling and beautiful stone spiral staircase.
Regional award winners, who will then go on to compete for the national awards, will be announced sometime in late November. We can’t wait to find out but, for now, we’re absolutely thrilled to have made the shortlist for such a prestigious award.
Fingers (and toes and arms and legs) crossed that our much loved Haberdashers’ Hall wins!