A Special Favour

Favours are special tokens of the appreciation a couple feels towards their friends and family who joined them on their big day and helped to make it special. Send your guests home with memories of magical moments and a tiny memento to say thank you for coming – you’ll be forging a link in a chain of tradition that can tracked all the way back to ancient Rome!
Sugared almonds are the traditional gifts, a nutty tribute to the Roman groom’s tradition of bidding farewell to bachelorhood with the distribution of walnuts amongst his friends. Should you want to move away from tradition slightly, you might like to try handmade biscuits, heart shaped sweets, fairy cakes or gourmet chocolates. Edible treats are always popular!
On the other hand, you may wish to provide a small trinket that your guests can keep. A lovely idea is sharing out small plant pots with a ready planted bulb inside. However a friend of mine put a lot of time and effort into sowing the plants and decorating the pots, lorazepam buy online only to find that a good few were left behind at the end of the evening because they were simply too bulky. So it is important to think practical as well as sentimental!
If you have children coming to your wedding you might want to make them special fun favours which they can interact with one the day, perhaps a bag filled with sweets, crayons and a colouring book. Otherwise, why not create a lucky dip box with hidden surprise gifts that they can hunt for?
Favours need not be elaborate or expensive. In fact, the bigger the gift, the more likely it is to be left behind! They are essentially small symbols of your thanks and affection and so the best are often simple but carefully chosen gifts, imaginatively wrapped, lovingly presented and just the right size to pop into a handbag.