Conference: Eyeing up the Future

Meet the Future at Central Hall Westminster was a fantastic half-day conference dedicated to the future of events. We sent Katie Wells and Jessica Stefan along to learn more.

From virtual reality with the Oculus Rift to 3D printing with Quod, all the latest tech-trends were there, and delegates could get hands-on! A holographic speaker could answer questions sent through an app, and, of course, attendees could try out Google Glass.

Jess seemed to like the look! Très chic!

But overall, she felt the glass wasn’t really ready to take the world by storm (just yet!):

“I wasn’t completely wowed by the Google Glasses – it was only a testing session and the product and design has a long way yet to develop! The glasses were slow to take voice commands (expectations are so high these days), and they didn’t even come close to the intelligence of the latest tablet or smartphone. I am sure as testing results are fed back, the glasses will evolve into something inspiring and futuristic!

“I think they could be great tool and will certainly change how conferences are produced and executed, especially in conferences. I loved the experience of being able to try them and get hands on, but will wait for a more finished article where can i buy lorazepam before considering a purchase!”

Katie agreed:

“It was very cool to see how they worked, looked and felt; but for everyday use they are ahead of my time! I can see how they could be used at conferences, but these tests highlighted a few teething problems such as speed of response to voice control and the tiny size of the screen to see data. These areas will no doubt be developed and absolutely then the potential at conferences is endless; they would definitely reduce paper print outs, allow more of a hands free approach, remove of need for cue cards in presentations, provide immediate feedback and response to questions, take photographs discretely and reducing luggage load (lightweight in comparison to a laptop/tablet). It is incredibly exciting when you think of the potential and I can’t wait to see the next phase of the glasses, who would have thought even five years ago, glasses would be so ‘cool’ and clearly very much part of our future!”

It sounds like the Google Glass still has a way to go before becoming an conference essential, but what a great opportunity to see tomorrow’s conference technology today.

…and you definitely can’t fault them for style!

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